Exceptional artists seem to be found in some of the unexpected places, but when they are discovered, their distinguished work can become hard to live without. The following local artists have completed some very impressive and extraordinary pieces that are brilliant and easy to appreciate!
According to his website, Dick Termes is an internationally acclaimed artist. His detailed artistry has been respected and viewed worldwide, including places like San Francisco, Paris, New York, and Japan.
His work is very unique in that it is an incredible creation painted onto a sphere. Each completed spinning globe, called a "Termesphere", after the artist himself, is a world with it's own space and time.
You can read more about this phenomenal South Dakota artist at his website termespheres.com.
Jon Crane is well known for capturing history in the picturesque rural landscapes he paints. Many of these paintings are now unintended representations of the transitory nature of life; buildings have been demolished and landscapes altered so drastically that they no longer resemble Crane's painstaking renditions of what they once were.
You can read more about this water color artist at his website joncranewatercolors.com.
It's all about colors. And the interplay of color and light is what makes good art. "Selecting colors, learning about how they work alone, with water, and with other colors, is critical for any artist who wants to achieve excellent results," Joyce explains.
You can read more about this amazing Rapid City artist on the website joycejohnsonstudios.com.
This is a very extensive and multifaceted site that will take you through not only the biographies and works of Allen and Patty Eckman and their unique medium but how they use their exclusive trade marked Eckman Method® of fine art cast paper sculpture to create their wonderful art. You can read more about this unique South Dakota artist at this website eckmanfineart.com.
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These phenomenal South Dakota artists make alluring and dazzling creations. You can read more about Roger Wagoner Designs at this website rogerwagonerdesigns.com.