When summertime hits, there are so many things to do with the family that range from outdoor concerts, rodeos, motorcycle rallys, plays, and fairs. All of these occurances, whether they are a celebration, a ceremony, a festival, a contest, or a tournament, are all considered to be a marvel of Summer. Following is a list of a few of the most entertaining events in South Dakota.
Wild Bill Days are held in mid June, just when summer is starting to warm up. You can really get crazy at the celebration of the interesting life of Will Bill Hickock! This entertaining history filled street concert and demonstration, is wild and awesome! A series of tribute band concerts on Main Street Deadwood, SD, are performed and are amazing! They include popular tribute bands that mimic the hits from famous singers like Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Jimmy Buffet, Garth Brooks, and even Micheal Jackson! There are shooting contests and meetings. There is a city wide rummage sale on Saturday morning. Professional Black Hills goldminers are here to teach you the trick and trade of early gold panning and its history. Bring your dog for the National DockDogs Competition! All this and more is going on in the now friendly town of Deadwood that was more than wild about 100 years ago. Visit their website deadwood.com to learn more about this event.
You can't miss the JazzFest in Sioux Falls, SD, if you are really in to Jazz and Blues, that takes place in July. This annual event last for three days and takes place outside. This extrememly entertaining musical celebration give off the great vibes of summer and has become one of the most popular ceremony's over the past 26 years. There are two different stages and the admission is free! There are many spectacular food vendors who are there to help you enjoy the atmosphere, the warm weather, and the tunes! In past years there have been some famous people performing here including George Thorogood and the Destroyers, Joe Walsh, Sheryl Crow and Boz Scaggs. All of the fun takes place at Yankton Trails Park. Visit their website siouxfallsjazzfest.com to learn more about this event.
The Corn Palace Stampede Rodeo in Mitchell, SD, is held in mid-July and has been going on for nearly 50 years, 47 to be exact as of 2017. This PRCA rodeo has cowboys riding horses and bulls Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights starting at 8 p.m. Several other events are going on during the morning, day, and afternoon hours including a challenging golf tournament, Mutton Bustin', an interesting downtown parade, a unique Cowboy Church Service, and a tasty chili cook-off. If you are in the area, this 6 day event is a must see, so please stop and check it out! Visit their website cornpalacestampede.com to learn more about this event.
You cant miss the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, if you are in the Black Hills during the first full week of August! Although it consists mostly of Harley Davidson Motorcycles, there are many other types, brands and styles there. This Rally is one of the oldest and largest motorcycle rider get togethers in the world. Not only do the motor bikes line the downtown and Main Streets of the pretty little town of Sturgis, SD, but there are bike shows, demonstation rides, motorcycle racing, intriguing exhibits, rockin' concerts, marvelous food, and leather and tattoo shops galore! It is very exciting to walk along the streets in the crowd and just check out the people! You can buy a Sturgis Rally T-shirt and discover why this annual even has become a worldwide phenomenon that brings hundreds of thousands of people to it every year, including many famous people and superstars. Donald Trump had several Harley Davidson cycles displayed on the White House Lawn and even sat on one there. He is loved by many motorcyle enthusiasts all over the country! Visit their website sturgismotorcyclerally.com to learn more about this event.
The Yankton Rock n Rumble Motorcycle Rally is a really thrilling way to get prepared for the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally! This hot summer event is started in 2015 and is held for two exciting days during the last part of July each year now! In Downtown Yankton, SD, you can watch the spectacular motorcycle parade from the unique double-decker Meridian Bridge on Saturday morning. The long line of various types of motorcycles first drive along the lower deck and then turn around and cruise across the upper deck before stopping to allow for the aerial photographers to get an awesome shot. The events normally kick off on a Friday and include several concerts, some poker runs, and many delicious food vendors. EnjoY! Visit their website visityanktonsd.com to learn more about this event.
The Laura Ingalls Wilder Pageant at De Smet, South Dakota, is a calmer, but also very charming experience for the entire family. It is an outdoor theatrical play put on by some really fascinating actors and actresses who are wearing some very authentic costumes, etc. The stories are all based on Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House books. The story line for the 2017 pageant is called The Little Town on the Prairie and is a re-enactment of how life was in De Smet after the long, cold winter of 1880-81. Some seating is provided, but lawn chairs are welcome (jackets and/or blankets are recommended). The gates open at 6 p.m. and the performance begins at 8 p.m. The performance are weekend nights throughout the month of July. Visit their website desmetpageant.org to learn more about this event.
The State Fair of South Dakota happens in Huron, South Dakota, over Labor Day weekend and marks the beginning of the end of summer, but it is a huge celebration with over five days of free entertainment, grandstand shows, car races, 4-H and FFA exhibits and championships. You will see all sorts of livestock, including cows, horses, and pigs as well as several interesting and informative animal shows! There are also many grandstand shows, concerts, car races and the largest carnival midway in South Dakota. This is an extraordinary place to go for quality family fun. It is worth the drive to get here to try all of the above plus enjoy some incredible tasting food that you can only find at a fair. Visit their website sdstatefair.com to learn more about this event.